Great, but Hard-To-Find Films on Netflix
Netflix has some great non-mainstream cinema to offer, but it can hard to find in the thousands of ever-shifting titles. Google “best films on Netflix”, and you’ll get dozens of returns. Like so much Internet junk, many just use algorithms of the most popular titles, counting stars, likes, etc.– not very helpful. Others are click bait saturated with ads that make it nearly impossible to get any useful information– frustrating.
I don’t like most algorithms, so by actually watching films, I’ve found many hidden gems, so here’s my first list of titles, to help others find unusual, engaging, and informative pieces of cinema that are very well done.
RECOMMENDED FILMS ON NETFLIX Camp X-Ray What Happened Miss Simone? Slow West Hostiles Wind River The Constant Gardner All The Queens Horses Chappaquiddick The Angel Finding Vivian Maier Karl Marx City A Perfect Day The Trader 13th
To immerse yourself in a series for a month, try these two. Turn, a drama, puts a different spin on the American Revolution. Life Below Zero follows several people who choose to live in Arctic Alaska, and contrasts their lives with the cushy average suburban American’s experience.
Turn Life Below Zero