Merry Christmas to American Soldiers from an Exiled Afghan Journalist
A message received from our friend Amin Wahidi, a writer an educational TV producer from Afghanistan, who now lives in a refugee shelter in Italy, waiting for a judgment on his request for political asylum there. Amin fled Afghanistan last fall after receiving death threats from the Taliban, because he produced programs on English instruction, film history, and music instruction. He is an outspoken supporter of freedom of expression and diversity of religions, democracy, peace and social justice.

Merry Christmas – Buon Natale
Eid ul Addha ( The Feast of Sacrifice) one of the biggest feasts for the Muslims came and passed while I am apart from my family, home, friends and I felt how difficult it is to be far from family and miss them on such an important occasion.
When I couldn’t say happy eid to my family and friends face to face, now I would like to take the chance of saying merry Christmas to those people from foreign lands who serve in my country and are far from their families at Christmas and the new year occasion.
Merry Christmas to you all, who are reading my blog right now.
And merry Christmas to you who is now far from his home, family and relatives but serving for peace, rebuilding and democracy in my country Afghanistan though missing your dearest ones back in your country in this important occasion, now being far from home, I can feel you very well.
Merry Christmas to you all, who serve in the cold, mountainous and snowy central highlands of my country to keep peace and security for my people, al though you miss your family, country and friends in this occasions that only comes once a year.
Merry Christmas to you all who serve in the windy, dusty and dangerous deserts of Helmand and other south western provinces of my country to keep peace for my people although any moment could be of death or life for you.
Merry Christmas to you all who serve and patrol in the streets of Kabul, where any moment you could expect a bomb blast and could lose your life for peace, freedom and democracy for my people.
And merry Christmas to all civilian and military who serve for peace, security, freedom and democracy in different corners of Afghanistan.
May God bless you all and you will begin the new year with hopes and full of peace, security, happiness for you and for the people of Afghanistan.
Mohammad Amin Wahidi Exiled writer, journalist and filmmaker from Afghanistan